There are many companies that offer free credit card terminals along with their credit card processing services. Most of them offer it to encourage you to sign a long term agreement with high cancellation fees to retain your services even if you want to use another processor. This is just as bad as signing a long term lease agreement. So be aware before signing any agreement.
Look & ask about the following two things:
1. Is there a cancellation fee? As I mentioned above some companies lure you in with a free terminal. They then have tons of hidden charges that eat your hard earned revenue away costing more than the purchase of a credit card terminal would have.
2. Is there a length to your agreement? Even if you are told there is no cancellation fees make sure they do not have a length to their agreement. Unless it is month to month they could be hiding something and end up having some type of cancellation costs.
I tell everyone that I quote to watch out for this as too many times a merchant chose a different processor due to a deal that looked more attractive to find they are now stuck with a high cancellation cost.
Total Merchant Services offers our free terminal program with no cancellation fees and a month to month agreement. Whats the catch? That's the best part... there are no catches. We want to earn your business and we are so confident you will stay with our company that we are willing to invest in your business by providing the best credit card terminals out there - for free.
For more information on our services feel free to give me a call at (800) 518-6825 or visit my site at
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